spirit & Soul | Mind & Body

Regenerating Harmony

CHek Holistic Lifestyle coaching

embody your potential + highest self

starting with a dream

Everything flows out of defining your dream. This will be your ultimate guide-post. I'll help you get specific about what it is you really want to manifest in your life, through working on your core values and beliefs, developing a knowing of your souls purpose, and ultimately understanding your infinite truth.

cultivating awareness

Whether you're looking to increase energy, get better sleep, detox physically or emotionally, manage stress, create better work-life balance, optimize your creative potential, or simply get out of physical, emotional, or spiritual pain - I am here to help deepen your sense of Self in order to identify areas of focus to increase vitality.

holistic integration

Working with the 4 Doctors to create more balance + Physical, Mental, and Spiritual integration, allows one to find inner peace. We will Harmonize the feminine & masculine energies within, and manage stress with holistic strategies which will empower you to take control of your life while simultaneously letting go of that which does not serve your highest and most complete Self.

Angela Bryant, HLC

As a licensed Holistic Lifestyle Coach and trained CHEK Professional, Angela has a deep passion for working with women. Through personal experience with many of the common struggles women face in today’s society, as well as undergoing some of the most common life transitions, she brings a deep compassion while coming alongside other women who are looking to create more harmony in their lives. Combining hours of study, and meaningful life experiences, Angela helps women utilize evidence-based strategies to reduce disease [dis.ease] in their bodies and psyche by modifying lifestyle behaviors so that the harmony created may regenerate and regenerate through all of life’s chapters. 

Angela is a woman, a friend, a listener, a liberator, a healer, a mother, a divorce, an entrepreneur and business owner, a libra, a sister, a daughter, a space holder, an empath, an intuitive, a chef, a dog-lover, a gardener, a truth teller, an artist, a connector, a nurturer, a coach, and so much more.


specialties | modalities

intuition + intention + integration

uncovering root causes + emotional barriers

holistic nutrition

food sourcing + recipes

life transitions : opening new doors

healthy habits

self-reflection | souls guidance

holistic recovery for anxiety

womens health

dream interpretation

integrative transformational therapy

balancing yin|yang

harmonizing feminine|masculine



Want to book or have a question?

email Angela or simply book a consultation

Paul Chek's concept of the last 4 doctors you'll ever need

4 Doctors

The four doctors are designed to cultivate over-all wellness within. In order to create a state of authentic health one should understand these 4 doctors and “visit” with them consistently in order to have innate awareness for optimal living.

h a p p i n e s s

Dr. Happiness

Dr. Happiness is The Dreamer – we’ll identify your core values and beliefs and your souls purpose to create your dream. By living out your values throughout your daily rhythms you will create more flow in your life. 

Set your rhythms with Dr. Happiness
Q u i e t

Dr. Quiet

Dr. Quiet helps us accumulate ENERGY. Listen to Dr. Quiet’s voice when it comes to sleep, recovery, and introspection and reflection.

Adequate rest allows Dr. Quiet to bring energy in

Dr. Diet

You are what you eat. Dr. Diet helps write the very specific menu for each unique individual with specific needs and primal pattern eating types. Sourcing high quality nutrient dense organic foods is only a part of the process, each body has specific needs which should be addressed.

Dr. Diet builds your temple

Dr. Movement

Loving one’s self, breathing, moving/pumping, heating, burning/transforming, cleaning/detoxification, changing – Dr. Movement is about balancing your catabolic and anabolic movement practices in order to reduce pain, increase strength, and manage stress.

Dr. Movement animates life by working out and working in
sleeping | nutrition | hydration | thinking | breathing | movement
Paul chek + Chek institute
Learn more about packages + pricing at your

Free Consultation

Schedule a 15-30 minute phone call or zoom meeting with me to determine if we are a good fit. I love meeting new people, and this consultation is an important part of the process. I can’t wait to meet you!

AUSTIN, TX | Virtual


